Bernardo Peruta

Bernardo Peruta reflects on the limit between reality and virtuality, observing advancements in the field of artificial intelligence. His artistic philosophy embraces the use of a unique combination of modern materials and traditional painting techniques making his art both innovative and classical at the same time. His works challenge our perception of reality in an era where the distinction between real and virtual becomes increasingly blurred. His work stands out for the use of multiple color overlays using mixed techniques on micro-perforated metal panels. Chromatic contrasts play an important role in Peruta's artistic conception, creating a dynamic effect that allows the viewers to approach the artwork from different perspectives. This is a concept that Peruta also embraces metaphorically, as reality cannot be captured in a single frame but changes depending on the viewpoint. Among his most significant works are those that explore the concept of perpetually moving reality and space. Through indefinite identity and gender, he represents the universal symbol of humanity, constantly evolving and conditioned by time, reality, emotions and society. Bernardo Peruta was born in Bergamo in 1973. Since he was young, he demonstrated a talent for art, which led him to pursue his education at the Castellini School of Plastic Artsin Como and after he graduated from Art High School Andrea Fantoni in Bergamo. During this course of study, head the opportunity to specialize in figurative painting under the guidance of a renowned portrait painter from Bergamo. In 2004, he moved to Nice, France, where he organized his first solo exhibition. Upon returning to Italy in 2006, he continued to participate in various contemporary art exhibitions, both solo and group shows, including major ones in Milan, Parma, Verona and abroad in France, Germany, Belgium, and New York. His artworks are permanently displayed in the following contemporary art galleries: Galleria studio Rossetti-Genova Galleria Gagliardi - San Gimignano - SI – Italy Galleria Zanini arte – Mantova Gallerie Valentinarte – Bellagio- Como Galerie Artmundi - Parigi -France Galleria Franca Pezzoli Arte Contemporanea - BG

Bernardo Peruta

Silvio Porzionato

Silvio Porzionato naît dans le Piémont italien, en 1971. Formé aux Beaux-Arts, il débute sa carrière comme designer en chef d’une importante entreprise italienne et s’initie à la photographie. Après avoir sillonné le monde, Silvio décide de s’installer dans son village natal pour se consacrer uniquement à la peinture.

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Simone Benedetto

Simone Benedetto is an Italian artist born in Turin in 1985, where he is currently based. He studied Fine Arts in Italy while consolidating his artistic knowledge with experiences abroad. From his early work, he developed the idea that art has to be connected with social themes.

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O Gringo

D'origine Nice, O Gringo (Bastien Tomasini) est née en 1988. Pendant ses voyages multiples, il a photographié des endroits iconiques et des pièces historiques afin de préserver le mémoire et de les intégrer dans ses oeuvres.

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Biljana Petrovic

Born in Belgrade, Serbia in 1975, she became an Italian based artist from 1996. She graduated in 2001 at “ Fine Art Academy” (“ Accademia delle Belle Arti di Bolgna), Italy . The art life has started with painting and drawing and during her studies she has switched the brushes with chisels and sculpture tools. In Academia she had this great opportunity to discover what marble carving means.

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Laurence Nolleau

Née en France en 1963, Laurence NOLLEAU est passionnée par le dessin dès son plus jeune âge. Une enfance rythmée par de nombreux voyages étoffent son univers artistique. Agée de 6 ans, Laurence rencontre le peintre espagnol et ancien conservateur du musée de Barcelone Joan Bachs, cette rencontre sera déterminante dans son parcours. Elle suivra une double formation de styliste-modéliste à Esmod Paris, où elle reçoit des mains de Jean-Louis Dumas-Hermès, le prix de modélisme, puis s’ensuit un premier apprentissage chez Dior, … par la suite elle deviendra directrice des Collections Europe d’une marque Australienne jusqu’en 2001. En 2002, Laurence décide de se consacrer à sa vocation et s’enferme dans son atelier, pour expérimenter et explorer différentes techniques.

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Andrea Lillo

Andrea Lillo werd geboren in Ecuador, Guayaquil (°1978), en dit in het oudste en het meest artistieke deel van de stad. Op 10jarige leeftijd verhuisde ze met haar gezin naar Italië. Ze groeide op met een liefde voor kunst in verschillende vormen. Ze nam deel aan verschillende projecten als zangeres om vervolgens als figuratieve kunstenares aan de slag te gaan.

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Frédérique Assaël

Née à Marseille en 1965. Après avoir travaillé dans plusieurs ateliers de peinture à Bruxelles, de retour en France, elle a approfondi le dessin à la sanguine et au fusain en se concentrant sur le Portrait. Elle a ensuite abordé la peinture à l'huile, à travers l'étude des maîtres (Raphaël, Léonard de Vinci, Le Caravage, Géricault, Rembrandt, Picasso...).

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Mario Henrique

Artiste portugais, né en 1983

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