Biljana Petrovic
Biljana 'Billie' Petrovic:
"Born in Belgrade, Serbia in 1975,I became an Italian based artist from 1996.
I was graduated in 2001 at “ Fine Art Academy” (“ Accademia delle Belle Arti di Bolgna), Italy. My art life has started with painting and drawing and during my studies I have switched my brushes with chisels and sculpture tools. In Academia I had this great opportunity to discover what marble carving means.
Through the years I have explore different subjects and themes , proceeding with various experiments with different mediums ,but always deeply in love with marble and bronze. Lately I am working a lot with hydroresin as medium which is resistant and much cheaper from bronze and marble so I can offer more affordable versions of most of my sculptures .
The tie that connects all my works could be the inspiration for the music that moving the spirit, moves and charge the body with it’s incredible energy and all the colors of the emotions the life is created with. You can find different sculptures and drawings (drawings are in big size, all about 2 m heigh), inspired by classical or modern dancers - lately I have created also the sculpture for the breakdance champion - “Froz” inspired by his winning pose .
“Hidden Frequencies” is my most sophisticated and longest work I have carved in marble. It took more than 3000 hours only for carving it. It was not only hard and long the physical work but also the spiritual and meditational kind of experience where I have become totally the part of my sculpture who is nothing but the reflection of everything I am in that moment, with all my feelings and thoughts . It’s a life size seated figure with some surreal elements .
Among the exhibitions I took part ,one of the most important were the exhibition on the main square of Bologna city (2015 -2017), solo show at Milan 2016 and public commissions for the churches near Parma, the commission I achieved during the studies . My art works have reached the collectors from many different countries and continents.
The sense and importance of art as the one of the most precious things we have as a “tool” for preserving the humanity . Personally – Art is giving me the sense of my own existence."
Silvio Porzionato
Silvio Porzionato naît dans le Piémont italien, en 1971. Formé aux Beaux-Arts, il débute sa carrière comme designer en chef d’une importante entreprise italienne et s’initie à la photographie. Après avoir sillonné le monde, Silvio décide de s’installer dans son village natal pour se consacrer uniquement à la peinture.
Simone Benedetto
Simone Benedetto is an Italian artist born in Turin in 1985, where he is currently based. He studied Fine Arts in Italy while consolidating his artistic knowledge with experiences abroad. From his early work, he developed the idea that art has to be connected with social themes.
O Gringo
D'origine Nice, O Gringo (Bastien Tomasini) est née en 1988. Pendant ses voyages multiples, il a photographié des endroits iconiques et des pièces historiques afin de préserver le mémoire et de les intégrer dans ses oeuvres.
Laurence Nolleau
Née en France en 1963, Laurence NOLLEAU est passionnée par le dessin dès son plus jeune âge. Une enfance rythmée par de nombreux voyages étoffent son univers artistique. Agée de 6 ans, Laurence rencontre le peintre espagnol et ancien conservateur du musée de Barcelone Joan Bachs, cette rencontre sera déterminante dans son parcours. Elle suivra une double formation de styliste-modéliste à Esmod Paris, où elle reçoit des mains de Jean-Louis Dumas-Hermès, le prix de modélisme, puis s’ensuit un premier apprentissage chez Dior, … par la suite elle deviendra directrice des Collections Europe d’une marque Australienne jusqu’en 2001. En 2002, Laurence décide de se consacrer à sa vocation et s’enferme dans son atelier, pour expérimenter et explorer différentes techniques.
Bernardo Peruta
Born in Belgrade, Serbia in 1975, she became an Italian based artist from 1996. She graduated in 2001 at “ Fine Art Academy” (“ Accademia delle Belle Arti di Bolgna), Italy . The art life has started with painting and drawing and during her studies she has switched the brushes with chisels and sculpture tools. In Academia she had this great opportunity to discover what marble carving means.
Andrea Lillo
Andrea Lillo werd geboren in Ecuador, Guayaquil (°1978), en dit in het oudste en het meest artistieke deel van de stad. Op 10jarige leeftijd verhuisde ze met haar gezin naar Italië. Ze groeide op met een liefde voor kunst in verschillende vormen. Ze nam deel aan verschillende projecten als zangeres om vervolgens als figuratieve kunstenares aan de slag te gaan.
Frédérique Assaël
Née à Marseille en 1965. Après avoir travaillé dans plusieurs ateliers de peinture à Bruxelles, de retour en France, elle a approfondi le dessin à la sanguine et au fusain en se concentrant sur le Portrait. Elle a ensuite abordé la peinture à l'huile, à travers l'étude des maîtres (Raphaël, Léonard de Vinci, Le Caravage, Géricault, Rembrandt, Picasso...).
Mario Henrique
Artiste portugais, né en 1983